Live, Laugh, Go Crazy

Every woman is entitled to have at least one meltdown a month...or maybe a week depending on you're mental and emotional ability

Monday, September 6, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Lot's of people have all kinds of material wishes for Christmas and Birthday's. They want new clothes, I pods, cell phones... the list goes on and on. Everyone gets so focused on what their getting, or how many presents have their name on it. I feel like all the celebration stopped being about family and started being about what you made out with.

My 25th birthday is today and while I spent the first twenty four years of my life wondering what I was getting for my birthday, something changed this year. ( Or maybe I am actually growing up? Eeeekk!!)

My amazing family surprised me for the weekend. I have never been so excited or had such a fulfilling birthday. For the first time in my life, I honestly didn't care what I was getting. I just didn't want my family to leave. I truly realized how special they are and how lucky I am to have so many incredible people in my family to share my birthday with.

Life is very short and in the blink of an eye a big part of it is over. While I still have so many more wonderful things I am going to experience, good and bad, I know my family is the one constant in my life. You outgrow clothes, electronics break after a few years and have to be replaced. What I have with my family, and my husband will never break, and it will never have to be replaced. The bond we all share is strong. We will continue to grow and change with each other, never apart. We're Italian, so that says it all as far as interesting is concerned.

The celebration shouldn't be about what you're getting, it needs to be about what you already have!
Love you all with my whole heart!!

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