Live, Laugh, Go Crazy

Every woman is entitled to have at least one meltdown a month...or maybe a week depending on you're mental and emotional ability

Friday, July 30, 2010

Yes! I have stretch marks

I have two amazing children, but let's face it, as beautiful and wonderful as pregnancy can be, there are definitely the not so beautiful parts of it. The morning sickness, the acne, the weekly weight gain, and maybe I should whisper this one.... (whispers) the stretch marks. They come in all sizes and colors from deep purples, reds, pinks, and clear. They take over our tummy,ass, hips, and boobs. But my question is, why are we all so ashamed of them? Our bodies changed to carry and care for our children. If our bodies weren't able to stretch and change the way they do who knows what the world would be like? Pregnant men running around like big balls of emotional mush? Women are made to handle the emotional and physical strain of carrying a child. I saw a commercial the other day for Coco Butter stretch mark cream, and in that commercial they said that stretch marks were ugly. So lot's of women including myself hide them.
One Piece bathing suits, long shirts, soccer mom shorts. I truly feel like we should be proud of them and show them off. Those stretch marks tell a story about each of us. Maybe they aren't from pregnancy, maybe they are from weight gain, or weight loss, or both. Whatever the reason, flaws aren't flaws, they are just simply what we are. Those imperfections give us character and make us who we are. Which is why I am posting a picture of the stretch marks I have grown to be proud of :) And you should too! Share your pictures with me, be proud :)

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