Live, Laugh, Go Crazy

Every woman is entitled to have at least one meltdown a month...or maybe a week depending on you're mental and emotional ability

Friday, June 15, 2012

It's been quite a while since I have blogged and there is good reason for that. Let's just say life doesn't always follow the path we set for ourselves, or we end up following the path other people are on and like I told a friend of mine, all that does is lead us somewhere we were never supposed to be in the first place and we have to start completely over again.

Some people have a very lucid idea of what their life holds for them starting in high school. They know exactly what college they are going to, what they will study, and even what kind of job they will get when they graduate, maybe even who they will marry how many children they will have and so on...

Me-- I've never really known. I wasn't even sure I wanted kids until I found out I was pregnant with my son, Sean. Then again with my daughter, Layla. Life has a funny way of deciding for us. I am completely blessed life threw me those curve balls because it was the most amazing twist in my haphazard idea of a plan.

There comes a time when we have to stop letting life decide and we need to take control back and decide for ourselves. We need to make things happen for ourselves instead of just letting things happen to ourselves.

I've had to make some crazy hard decisions lately, decisions that are a result of me taking control of my own life back. It is the scariest thing I've ever done, but I've never been more sure that what I'm doing is right.

People in general have a way of making you question yourself and your character. I've come to the conclusion that life itself doesn't suck, people suck... some people anyway, and if you surround yourself with the right kind of people, life can be amazing and inspiring and good. There are still honest, loving, and loyal people in the world, you just have to weed out the assholes and find them. Unfortunately, there are crazy uphill battles we go through in order to figure out who is really standing besides us.

But the good ones will be the ones that offer a helping hand or a kind embrace without expecting anything in return. They will be the ones who offer objective advice and supportive actions and who will stick it out with you no matter how bad or uncomfortable things get. And when they do get bad, they are the ones calling you everyday to make sure you are okay.

People do things with all kinds of intentions and motives. Emotion drives peoples decisions instead of logic sometimes. And there is always a time and place for everything. There is a time when emotion needs to be taken into consideration and then a time when he needs to be pushed aside.

Only I know what is right and best for me, and that may not be what is right or best for someone else, but it's my life and no matter what anyone says, or what anyone does, nobody can take that from me!


  1. I love you! ...If you feel in your heart your making the right decisions for you...then you absolutley are. Do what give you the most fulfilling life. and I agree about the good dont know what you or the people around you are made of until life gets tough. <3 I'm here if you ever need ANYTHING. I'm proud of you!

  2. I love you too!! God gives us tests and I know he doesn't give us anything he knows we can't handle. If we reject the bad and follow the good, it's a true test of character!

    Thanks for the support!!! You are one of those great friends!!!!
