Live, Laugh, Go Crazy

Every woman is entitled to have at least one meltdown a month...or maybe a week depending on you're mental and emotional ability

Saturday, December 31, 2011


It's New Year's Eve and everyone is making party plans or figuring out what their New Year's resolution is going to be. The truth is, you don't really need a New Year to make a new start or even a resolution. A fresh start can happen any time or any day you want it to. The resolution isn't agreeing with yourself to work out more, or quit smoking. It's to stop saying you will and just do it. It's not picking a new year or "next monday" it's now. Hell, it was yesterday.

Did you know it can take about 66 days to form a habit? So when your making those resolutions think about whether you can be consistent enough for it to stick.

So don't just make resolutions you know you won't keep. Make a plan to make a change. Don't even do that, just start, right this minute. Whether it's a change for your own life, or a plan to help someone change their life. Every ounce of motivation helps and sometimes all someone needs is a little push in the right direction and a lot of support.

My plan is to motivate and encourage not just friends and family, but people I don't even know yet.

Happy New Year!!!!


  1. I'm expecting....

    great things from you and your blog!! <3

    I need to remember the whole 66 day thing.

    Happy New Year!
    2nd Grade Paradise

  2. Thanks, Stacy! And thanks for following my blog. It means a lot!

    I am sure you will follow through with whatever it is you plan to do this year!
