Live, Laugh, Go Crazy

Every woman is entitled to have at least one meltdown a month...or maybe a week depending on you're mental and emotional ability

Monday, October 4, 2010

Simple Sacrifices

Kids, and life itself can really drain your bank account. Things are always coming up,or breaking, or being broken. Let's face it, kids never ever stop growing. (The cost of brand new kids clothes can be outrageous.)

If you want to save some cash, here are a few simple sacrifices you and your family can make so you can spend less and save more. The days of wanting a five dollar barbie or a matchbox car are way over. Now it's playstations and flat screens.

1. Buy gently used clothes ( If you start doing this when they are young, they will never know the difference. What's the point of buying brand new? It's four times the cost and they are going to grow out of in in a few months anyway. Most second hand shops will even buy back the stuff that doesn't fit!! BONUS!)

2. Avoid having a car payment ( This can really suck you dry every month. If possible, become a one car family and share. If not, avoid financing and buy a used car you can pay for up front.)

3. Cut back your cable bill. ( You can do this by downgrading your current plan. Is there really a need to have six movie channels that rotate between the same six movies every week. If you really can't live without movies, downgrade to basic cable and sign up for Netflix. It's way cheaper and you have your choice of any movie unlimited every months.)

4. Plan meals a week in advance ( Doing this avoids having to go back to the store every day and then buying unnecessary items, making you spend more. Make a menu for the week and then shop for the whole week. Plus it saves time and money. Fast food is absolutely disgusting and not nutritious in anyway. In planning meals, and being creative, you can feed a family of four for under ten dollars a meal, the cost of one value size combo.)

5. Free exercise ( Gym memberships can be pricey, but some rec centers have free gyms if you're a town resident. If not, find some fun hiking trails in your area and make it a weekend routine with the whole family. Do yoga, or have daily dance time with your kids. They'll have a blast running around to their favorite songs, and you'll love burning calories.)

6. Be energy efficient ( Wash clothes in cold water, open windows or use ceiling fans instead of the ac. In winter months, if you have a big house,or unused rooms there is no need to heat them. Close off the vents or turn off the radiator and you won't waste heat. Plus you will smile, not frown when you get your electric bill. Suck it up, don't be so quick to turn on the heat, a sweater and a cozy pair of socks can work pretty well when it's just a little cool outside.)

7. Be Creative (We always think we have to buy everything we need. Brand new baby toys and furniture are ridiculously expensive. Ask a friend or family member if you can borrow a crib, or baby swing. They only sleep in it for a couple years. It's not worth spending $800 plus dollars on that. Again, second hand stores, or even Goodwill can have some pretty awesome stuff if you look. Before you run out a buy a new picture frame, just make one. Spice up an old table with a new coat of paint, or buy slip covers for an old couch. Go to a bookstore and check out a craft book, don't buy it, but jot down a few good ideas.)

8. Family Game Night ( Instead of rushing out to the local movie theater, have a family game night, or invite friends to join you or host a movie night. Make popcorn, and get a front row seat to your favorite movies. It will be a fraction of the cost of taking the family to the theater at ten dollars a ticket. Not to mention the overpriced, unhealthy snacks they offer.

These are just a few of many wonderful idea's to save money and have fun doing it as well. If you think you can't trust yourself not to spend the extra cash you'll have lying around open up an interest bearing savings account and set a savings goal, then treat yourself and family to something fun.

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