Live, Laugh, Go Crazy

Every woman is entitled to have at least one meltdown a month...or maybe a week depending on you're mental and emotional ability

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mid-Morning Concussion

The past few nights I have been having trouble sleeping. I have been up late working on my book, and I joined a new website called SO- along with working on my novel, I have been up late editing other people's work and when I finally pull myself away from the computer and make myself sleep, I can't. I have my own, along with everybody else's thoughts racing through my mind.
Last night, around one thirty am I finally lay down and drift off to sleep. My husband was in the living room watching a scary movie that I opted out of due to my intense imagination, and the after effects I knew I would experience. Hallucinations, turning shadow's into ghosts, and thinking every noise I heard was a killer trying to get me,
Then, around six am he literally flies out of bed like he was thrown off a trampoline, trips, and runs into my daughter's room who fell out of bed and was crying. (Due to the horrific material in the movie, he was terrified that what he saw on screen was coming to life)
"Ashley, can you get in her please!" he called out to me from down the hall. I stomp out of bed, march down the hall and when I walk into my daughter's room there he is, blood dripping from his head all the way down his chest.
"What the hell happened to you?" I had no idea how he could be bleeding like that.
"Well, I tripped and hit my head, and I'm bleeding."
"Obviously!" I turned his head to the side, examining the damage. Greg handed me the baby and left the room. Trying to stay as calm as possible, I gave Layla a good snuggle and put her back to sleep.
I shut her bedroom door and immediately noticed the bathroom light creeping out from under the door. I walk in to check on Greg, and make sure he was still alive. There he was, standing in front of the mirror with a wad of toilet paper on his head, still covered in blood. My first thought,typical. He has been in the bathroom for ten minutes and the only thing he has accomplished was balling up a piece of toilet paper.
I knew I had to step in and take charge. After sitting him down on the toilet, and taking a closer look at the cut I realized it looked worse than it actually was. I tossed his hand made wad of toilet paper and reached for a clean hand towel. I shaved the area around his cut, cleaned it up, got him ice and settled back into bed. (He was loving this by the way. Even saying it hurt when I was barely touching him.)
"How did you hit your head on the counter when it's three feet lower than your head?" The sun was starting to come up so I kept my eyes shut trying to block out the morning rays
Greg started laughing " I slipped on the kitchen floor and somehow the counter got in the way."
"Only you would get a head injury in the middle of the night just by walking through the kitchen." I rolled over and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, noticing the blue glow of the digital clock on the night table. Six forty five. Figuring I had at least and hour and a half before the kids woke up,I nestled my head on Greg's chest and started to drift off to sleep.
Then, my right eye popped open to the sound of tiny footsteps walking through the kitchen.
"Good Morning, I told you guys I was going to get up early today." The smiling face of my son Sean standing in front of me was a clear indication that sleep was not an option for anyone this morning.

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