Ever hear people say, "Just follow your heart." First off, who are these "people" that say this kind of stuff? And second, sometimes following your heart isn't the path reality allows. My head and my heart are constantly at war and because I usually put others before myself, my head wins and I endure the pain of not allowing my heart to choose.
It's very easy to judge other people's choices and the paths they take. But only they know the motivation behind the choice and maybe their hearts guided them, maybe not. Either way, following your heart is harder than making the logical decision or doing what is considered "the right thing to do" because following your heart is a leap of faith. There is only hope that everything will work out the way you want it to.
"You play with fire, you might get burned, but the thrill of doing something dangerous will always be with you."
It's the experiences in life that make us who we are, and the way we handle those experiences are a true judge of character.
I worry about everything constantly and always ponder the outcome of countless scenarios. I don't have the courage to follow my heart because I'm scared of what will happen. Anyone who knows me knows I'm a huge control freak and if I can't predict the outcome of a certain situation I usually don't even try. Sometimes I more afraid of failing than trying at all and that in itself is a failure.
There are probably countless things I have missed out on because I was too afraid to try and give something new a chance.
So, recently I decided I was tired of being scared and always wondering "what if?" and I've stepped out of my comfort zone and already done things I would never have done before as a way to fill the void in my heart, make it whole again, and become the fearless woman I know is inside me somewhere.
I've been talking about cutting all my hair off for years. I would make appointment and end up only trimming my hair, or only getting a few inches cut off the ends. A few weeks ago I finally did it. I cut over ten inches off my hair and now have a pixie cut. The best part is that I was able to donate it all to Locks of Love.
There are several other BIG life changes taking place, I'm just not ready to blog about it yet. ;)
Never be afraid to do ANYTHING or follow your heart. You never know where life will lead you, but it won't lead you anywhere until you take that first step forward!